Monday, March 30, 2015

Nearly ready to place our Touchstones

Room 11 have been working extremely well on their Touchstone project.  For the last two weeks they have been working in self-selected groups to complete their part of the project on time.  I have been amazed by how well they have worked together, persevered with their task and been committed to producing work to a high standard.

We had a writing team who wrote the story and had lots of fun acting out some parts to see if they made sense and were interesting.
 We had a touchstone design team who designed the class touchstones, decided which designs suited each of our locations and painted them.

 We have had an illustration team busily working on pictures to go with the story and the cover.

 Our research team was busy typing up the information that had been gathered from the homework task about places in our community.
                        We had a team working on information to go in the notice to parents.

Parents, please come to a walk around Stoke with us.  Please don’t bring cars.  We need you to help us walk with the class so we don’t loose any kids.  All of Room 11 is going and there’s 29 people.  Oooooh that’s a lot of kids.  We have written a story for the walk.  We will be going to Broadgreen Intermediate, Nayland Pools and the Rose Gardens.  Then we go to Octopus Garden and have lunch at Isel Park.
It will be helpful if you can come.

Josh and Archie

We also had a team working on creating a map, deciding the order the stones should be placed in and the route we should take on our walk.  (Pictures to come)

Cooperative Maths Groups

We are starting to use cooperative groups to solve problems in maths.   Our first go at this was last week and we had some success and some things to work on.  This week we are working in the same groups to solve a variety of maths problems based on the giant egg on our page.  We had to work together on addition, measurement, geometry and algebra questions.  The students were great!  Lots of discussion about sharing responsibilities and explaining their ideas about the questions.
Great work Room 11!  This will only get better next term with more practise.

                                                            Poppy, Chloe and Frank

                                                            Brody, Tyla and James

                                                      Holly, Natalia, Archie and Cyprus

                                                 Josh. O, Summer, Arabella and Matthew

                                                           Louie, Lochlan and Anna

                                                              Josh.P, Libby and Bailey

                                                           Zidane, Summa and Jessica

                                                             Micah, Ciara and Daintin

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Week 8 We're happy

Going Well
Six Sentence Stories
Touchstone Work
Learning about GoNoodle - getting everyone woken up
Publishing our stories
Making progress on StudyLadder and e-ako
Coming into class quietly after breaks
All our working

Kapahaka certificates - Well done Arabella
Syndicate Sport has started

Looking forward to
Poppy's birthday
Easter Holidays
Touchstone Walk
Josh O's birthday
Getting our classroom walls painted

Things to work on
Our Touchstone work needs to be finished
Preparing for our walk

Post card from our summer holiday

We chose one event from our summer holidays in the begning of the term and wrote to someone we knew about it. We drew the picture and designed our stamp.

Our Koru Art

First we practised drawing koru shapes and the way we could make them look like other things.

We drew designs that represented our Whanau, where we are from and the things that are important to us.

We used dye and water to make the coloured background.

We drew our design in pencil and then made them stand out by using black markers and pens.

Can you work out what our designs are meant to represent?

Ka Pai

Thursday, March 12, 2015

End of Week 7 - We're tired but awesome!

Things that have gone well this week
-  Swimming, we have done our assessments and had some free swims.  Heaps of us think we are amazing at jumping off the diving board now!  We also had three people compete at interschool swimming
-  Kapahaka, we are learning new songs, fourteen people from our class are involved
-  Choir, lots of people in our class are enjoying going to Choir on Tuesday at lunchtime
-  We are earning lots of Dojo points
-  Jessica is proud of her handwriting
-  Arabella likes how we have included our families in topic
-  Tyla likes writing because it is fun
-  Holly thinks we are learning more spelling words
-  Lochlan thinks Room 11 is getting better at writing and maths

- Our interschool swimmers, Libby, Ciara and Brody.  Well done!
-  Frank represented Room 11 at the Moturoa Sustainability Challenge.  Frank says it was challenging!
-  Happy birthday to James
-  We are still waiting to hear if Sidney has won the fishing story competition

We are looking forward to
-  Jessica's birthday
-  Starting ukelele lessons

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Weekly Round Up

Things that have gone well this week;
-  We started Kapahaka, lots of people from our class joined
-  Swimming at school
-  We went swimming in the rain, the pool was really warm
-  We've learnt to write more words
-  Lots of us got all our spelling words right this week
-  Lining up is getting better

Things to work on for next week
-  Our Syndicate Assembly

Things we are looking forward to
-  Brody's birthday party
-  Finding out who wins the Fishing Story Competition
-  Dojo Winners
-  Sport on the weekend
-  Good luck to the people doing the Weetbix Tryathalon, Sidney, Matthew, Lochlan, Zidane, Chloe, Arabella

-  Jessica's birthday in 14 days
-  Sidney's story is entered in the competition
-  Room 11 Relay Team won the Moana Syndicate race (Thank you to Ciara, Sidney, Lochlan, Zidane, Brody and Libby for their great swimming)
- Jame's birthday is on Thursday
- Libby, Ciara and Brody have qualified for the interschool swimming competition next Wednesday
-  Frank is going to the Rabbit Island Sustainability Challenge next Wednesday