Monday, May 4, 2015

Wow Week Projects

Today we started our Wow Week project.  Moana Syndicate has the challenge to design some playground equipment out of tyres.  We looked at the space we have been allocated - the garden beside the library.  Then we searched for some ideas online.  We found a great pinterest page that had lots of different ideas.  After we talked about these we drew some designs and shared them in groups and as a 'walk and gawk'.  The class came up with some fantastic ideas and I can't wait to see what they choose to do.

All the groups were very good at sharing their ideas.  We focused on explaining what our designs meant and being a good listener.

This group decided to do their sharing out by the garden so they could imagine what it might look like.

We did a 'Walk and Gawk'.  Silently looking at everyone's work and thinking about ideas we liked or found interesting.

                                                             Frank shared his designs.
The ideas about creating a creature that we could climb through and on top of was popular.  The class also really liked the teeth.

                                                        Louie told us about his ideas.

Poppy had lots of different ideas to share.

             The class liked these too and wondered how we could hold the giant flower up.

Natalia had some very thoughtful ideas.

The class were interested in the idea that this design went around in a loop.

 What wonderful work today.  Did you notice all the Room 11 students showing excellent listening manners.  They also asked very thoughtful and useful questions.
Ka pai - Achieving Brilliance and working hard. Kia Kaha